PRB: Printer Not Ready in FoxPro for UNIX

ID: Q138745

The information in this article applies to:


When printing in FoxPro for Unix, your application or FoxPro itself may fail and give a Printer not ready error message.


The temp (.tmp) files created by FoxPro have been redirected to a location where the user has insufficient rights.


Redirect the .tmp files to a location where the user has sufficient permissions. Optimally, in a multi-user situation where more than one user will be working with FoxPro, the temp files should be directed to the user's home directory.


This behavior is by design.


FoxPro creates temp files for many operations, such as SQL Selects and sorting. It is a requirement that FoxPro have a location where it can write this information. If it does not, printing and other operations will fail.

Additional reference words: 2.60 FoxUnix not ready failure KBCategory: kbprint kbprb KBSubcategory: FxprintGeneral

Last Reviewed: October 29, 1995