PRB: RQBE Having Window Causes Error Type 11 Message

ID: Q155189

2.60a MACINTOSH kbtool kbprb

The information in this article applies to:


Using the BETWEEN() function in the Having window of the RQBE builder may result in a type 11 error or may hang the machine.


Use the Selection Criteria section of the RQBE Builder to create a WHERE clause that contains the BETWEEN() function to filter the records.


Microsoft is researching this behavior and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Using the Having window to create filter conditions for records may produce erroneous errors or hang the machine. Placing the BETWEEN() function in a series of three or more conditions separated by "or" clauses frequently causes this behavior. However, the symptoms vary between machines. Starting the machine with extensions ON also influences the type of error message encountered. Regardless of the environment, using the BETWEEN() function in the Having window produces one of two error conditions. First, the system may report an erroneous type 11 error that points to a hardware problem. Second, while in the RQBE, the machine may simply hang, forcing the programmer to reboot.

Several different scenarios may cause these anomalies to occur. First, the errors may occur when clicking the OK button in the Having window. Second, they may occur when actually executing the query. Third, the error may appear when attempting to re-enter the Having window to modify the query. Finally, actually editing the filter conditions in the Having window may cause the error.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. Open the Clients table located in the Sample\Organize\DBFS folder.

2. Type "Create Query" (without the quotation marks) in the Command window.

3. Click the Having check box, and enter three filter conditions using the

   BETWEEN() function based on the zip field.

4. Attempt to click the OK button to close the Having window.

5. Click the Do Query button to execute the query.

6. Close the browse window, return to the RQBE builder screen, and click

   the Having checkbox.

7. Attempt to remove one or more of the filter conditions.

Depending on the machine and its configuration, the error may appear when performing step 4, 5, 6, or 7.

KBCategory: kbtool kbprb KBSubcategory: FxtoolRqbe Additional reference words: 2.60a kbdsd foxmac

Keywords          : FxtoolRqbe 
Version           : 2.60a
Platform          : MACINTOSH

Last Reviewed: January 11, 1997