ID: Q114969
2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 | 2.50b 2.50c
kbprg kbprb
The information in this article applies to:
If a picture expression is specified using #ITSEXPRESSION ~, and the expression contains an at sign ("@"), the expression will be truncated to the first occurrence of an at sign.
See "Workaround" in the "More Information" section below.
1. In the Command window, issue the following commands:
CREATE TABLE testexp (postalcode c(9))
INSERT INTO testexp values ( '123456789' )
2. Create a screen and add the following to the Setup snippet:
llUSA = .T.
3. Add an input field (GET) for TESTEXP.POSTALCODE.
4. Choose the Format button and add the following expression:
~ IIF(llUSA, "@R 99999-9999", "@R A9A 9A9")
5. Choose OK in the Format and Field dialog boxes.
6. Open the Field and Format dialog boxes again. The Format expression will
be truncated and the "R" check box under Editing Options will be
selected. If you run the screen generator, it will place this truncated
picture clause in the generated code.
Clear the "R" check box in the Format expression dialog box and change the Format expression to the following:
~ IIF(llUSA, "99999-9999","A9A 9A9")
Additional reference words: FoxWin 2.50
KBCategory: kbprg kbprb
KBSubcategory: FxprgGeneral
Keywords : FxprgGeneral
Version : 2.50 2.50a 2.50b 2.60 | 2.50b 2.
Last Reviewed: February 17, 1996