ACC2: Tech*Ed 95: Sessions on Using Microsoft Access FormsID: Q129522
Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.
The Microsoft Tech*Ed conference is an annual event for computer
professionals who design, develop, integrate, or support Microsoft Office,
Microsoft BackOffice, and Microsoft Windows-based solutions. The conference
offers hundreds of technical detailed sessions about product development,
integration, management, and future product directions.
The TE9510.EXE file contains documentation from a Tech*Ed 95 session about
customizing forms in Microsoft Access version 2.0. Topics include using
list box and combo box controls, creating subforms, setting form and field
properties, and responding to form events with macros and Access Basic
~ TE9510.EXE
is available for download from the Microsoft Software Library. It
contains the following files:
AC208.DOC A Microsoft Word version 6.0 for Windows document named
"Using Microsoft Access Forms Like the Masters"
AC208.MDB A sample Microsoft Access database
Additional query words: teched
Keywords : kbfile Softlib
Version : 2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: April 9, 1999