System Values That Can Be Set in Catalog Manager
ID: Q114713
2.60 | 2.60
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FoxPro for Windows, version 2.6
- Microsoft FoxPro for MS-DOS, version 2.6
The information below lists the FoxPro system values that you can change
in Catalog Manager. Some of this information is also found in FoxPro
online Help in the "Catalog Manager Settings" topic.
To view the Catalog Manager Settings dialog box, choose Settings from the
Tools menu.
The Catalog Manager Settings dialog box provides a way to change FoxPro
system values from within the Catalog Manager. These environment area
values include:
- Bell check box. Check this box to toggle the computer bell on or off.
Refer to the SET BELL command for more information.
- Carry check box. Check this box to determine whether or not data is
retained between entries in APPEND or INSERT operations. See the SET
CARRY command for more information
- Century check box. Check this box to specify whether or not FoxPro
displays the century portion of date expressions. Refer to the SET
CENTURY command for more information.
- Confirm check box. Check this box to specify whether or not you must
confirm data entry by pressing the ENTER or TAB key. Refer to the SET
CONFIRM command for more information.
- Deleted check box. Check this box to specify whether or not FoxPro
processes records marked for deletion and determines whether records
marked for deletion are available for use in other commands. Refer to
the SET DELETED command for more information.
- Exact check box. Check this box to toggle between matching rules for
string expressions. Refer to the SET EXACT command for more information.
- Exclusive check box. Check this box to specify whether FoxPro opens
table/.DBF files for exclusive use or shared use on a network. Refer to
the SET EXCLUSIVE command for more information.
- Safety check box. Check this box to determine whether or not FoxPro
warns you before overwriting an existing file. Refer to the SET SAFETY
command for more information.
- Clock check box and popup. Check this box to toggle the clock display
between on and off. From the popup, specify twelve-hour or twenty-four-
hour display format. Refer to the SET CLOCK and SET HOURS commands for
more information.
- Margin spinner. Choose the spinner to specify the size of the left
margin on printer output. Refer to the SET MARGIN command for more
- Memowidth spinner. Choose the spinner to specify the line width of memo
fields and character expressions. Refer to the SET MEMOWIDTH command for
more information.
- Decimal Places spinner. Choose the spinner to specify the minimum number
of decimal places used to display the results of division,
multiplication, trigonometric, and financial functions. Refer to the SET
DECIMALS command for more information.
Additional reference words: FoxDos FoxWin 2.60 on-line help foxhelp.dbf
KBCategory: kbprg
KBSubcategory: FxtoolCatman
Keywords : FxtoolCatman
Version : 2.60 | 2.60
Last Reviewed: May 1, 1996