Using Multiple Screens for Data Entry with One READ

ID: Q96358

2.50 2.50a | 2.00 2.50 2.50a


The information in this article applies to:


To use multiple screens for data entry with one READ command, you can use the memory variable _CUROBJ and the function OBJNUM(fieldname) to switch from one screen to the next.

Because FoxPro doesn't support having screens with scroll bars, this multiple-screen input technique is useful where complete data entry cannot be accomplished with one screen.

The instructions for this screen input technique are given below.


1. Create a database with three fields named ONE, TWO, and THREE.

2. Create one screen for each field in the Screen Builder and title the

   screens PAGE1, PAGE2, and PAGE3.

3. On each screen, create a push button with a VALID clause. The push
   button should have at least two choices that allow for the selection of
   the other screens. For example, the selection names on PAGE1 would be
   PAGE2 and PAGE3.

4. The CASE statement in the VALID clause for the push button selections
   should contain the following code:

      DO CASE
        CASE variable=1         && Variable is the name
           _CUROBJ= OBJNUM(two) && assigned to the push button.
        CASE variable=2
           _CUROBJ= OBJNUM(three)

5. Combine the three screens into one screen set using the Project Manager.
   Build the application.

6. Execute the application. When you choose the PAGE2 push button, the
   second screen will be shown.


"Language Reference," version 2.5, pages L3-692 to L3-696, L4-11

"Commands & Functions," version 2.0, pages C3-545 to C3-549, C4-92

Additional reference words: FoxDos FoxWin 2.00 2.50 2.50a scrolling read level KBCategory: KBSubcategory: FxtoolSbuilder

Keywords          : kbcode FxtoolSbuilder 
Version           : 2.50 2.50a | 2.00 2.50 2.50a
Platform          : MS-DOS WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998