ID: Q88845
2.00 MS-DOS kbref
The information in this article applies to:
The text below lists several third-party utilities that add graphics to Xbase applications. The products are listed in alphabetical order by product name. None of these products is recommended over any other in the list, nor any others that are absent from the list. Each of these products has its own strengths and weaknesses. Before making any purchase, examine the product to verify that it meets your needs.
The products included here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.
Product name Manufacturer Phone
Advanced Image Toolkit Pinnacle Publishing, Inc. (800) 231-1293
Graphics Server SDK Pinnacle Publishing, Inc. (800) 231-1293
Database Graphics Toolkit BlackHawk Data Corp. (708) 453-9590
Espia Devices, Inc. (206) 643-7001
Flipper Proworks (503) 567-1459
PCX Programmer's Toolkit Genus Microprogramming, Inc. (800) 227-0918
Picture Plus Advanced Imaging Technologies (800) 342-3665
QuickView Plus Seabreeze Eng. Assoc., Inc. (800) 277-3086
SilverPaint Library Silverware, Inc. (214) 247-0131
T-Base Videotex Systems, Inc. (800) 888-4336
Additional reference words: FoxDos 1.02 2.00 FoxBase PCX PIC GIF TARGA TIFF
PCL SCX IMG 3rd party 3rdparty
KBCategory: kbref
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbref
Version : 2.00
Platform : MS-DOS
Last Reviewed: May 12, 1998