ACC: Cannot Open Form to Disallow Adding New Records

ID: Q147154

The information in this article applies to:


Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.

When you open a form that has the AllowAdditions property set to No, the form opens, allowing you to add records.


The form is being opened programmatically by the OpenForm action with the Data Mode argument in the macro set to "Edit." If you're using Visual Basic, the Data Mode argument is set to A_EDIT or acEdit.


Omit the Data Mode argument setting so that Microsoft Access uses the property settings defined by the form.


When the Data Mode argument of the OpenForm action is set, Microsoft Access overrides a number of form property settings. If the Data Mode argument of the OpenForm action is set to "Edit," Microsoft Access opens the form using the following property settings:

   Allow Edits: Yes
   Allow Deletions: Yes
   Allow Additions: Yes
   Data Entry: No 

Microsoft Access uses the default form property settings if you omit the Data Mode setting in the OpenForm macro action.

This behavior is likely to occur when you have a macro that opens a form, because the Data Mode argument is set to "Edit" by default. Further, this behavior can also occur when converting from Microsoft Access version 2.0.

In Microsoft Access version 2.0, you can open a form with the Data Mode argument set to Edit and disallow the addition of new records. This is possible by setting the singular DefaultEditing property to Can't Add Records. This behavior is incorrect. Microsoft Access 2.0 does not correctly override the DefaultEditing property with Allow Edits when the form is opened with the Data Mode argument set to Edit.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Open the sample database Northwind.mdb.

  2. Open the Customers form in Design view and set the AllowAdditions property to No. Save, and then close the form.

  3. Create a new macro with the following action:
          Macro Action
             Form Name: Customers
             View: Form
             Filter Name:
             Where Condition:
             Data Mode: Edit
             Window Mode: Normal 

    NOTE: The Data Mode argument is Edit by default.

  4. Save the macro with a unique name, and then run the macro by clicking Start on the Run menu. Note that the Customers form opens but allows you to add new records.

  5. Close the Customers form and delete Edit from the Data Mode argument of the OpenForm action. Save and rerun the macro by clicking Start on the Run menu. Note that the Customer form opens but does not allow you to add new records.


For more information about OpenForm, search the Help Index for "OpenForm," or ask the Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.

Keywords          : FmsProp 
Version           : 7.0 97
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: April 30, 1999