Internet Explorer Caches Pages with Cache Set to Zero Percent

ID: Q145766

95 WINDOWS kbtool

The information in this article applies to:


After you set the Microsoft Internet Explorer cache to zero percent, pages are still cached. When you set the History setting to 0, sites are still cached in the History folder.


Internet Explorer must download a Web page, and any necessary files such as graphics, sound, or .avi files, to the Cache folder before the page can be displayed. Even though the cache is set to zero percent, Internet Explorer requires a persistent cache for the current session. The persistent cache requires 4 MB or 1 percent of the logical drive size, whichever is greater.

Shortcuts to sites visited in the current session are stored in the History folder. When you quit Internet Explorer, all shortcuts in the History folder are removed.

KBCategory: kbtool KBSubcategory: win95 winplus msiew95 Additional reference words: 95 iexplore.exe msie10.exe msie20.exe

Keywords          : winplus win95 msiew95 
Version           : 95
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: November 27, 1996