ID: Q182316
The information in this article applies to:
The Win32 Internet Extensions, or WinInet (WinInet.dll), do not implement functionality to enable FTP appends.
WinInet provides access to common Internet protocols, including Gopher, FTP, and HTTP. Using WinInet, you can write Internet client applications at a higher level of programming, without having to deal with WinSock, TCP/IP, or the details of specific Internet protocols.
FTP commonly exposes an "append" command to append one file to another. WinInet does not expose this functionality.
The only WinInet workaround for this is to download the file from the server, append to it on the client then upload the file back to the server. The alternative to this approach would be to use Winsock directly to communicate with the FTP server.
For additional information on other limitations of the WinInet FTP functions, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : INFO: Limitations of WinInet FTP Functions
Microsoft Internet Client SDK
Microsoft Platform SDK
Additional query words: kbdsi kbwininet kbftp
Keywords : kbWinInet
Version : WINDOWS:3.02,4.01
Last Reviewed: September 24, 1998