PC DirSync: Microsoft Mail REBUILD.EXE 3.2.16 Update

ID: Q111701

3.20 3.20a MS-DOS kbenv kbfile kbtlc kbbug3.20 kbfix3.20a kbfix3.50

The information in this article applies to:


Microsoft provides a replacement for the Rebuild program file that is included in versions 3.2 and 3.2a of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks.

For complete information, see the following sections:


This update contains the Rebuild Mail program file (REBUILD.EXE), a replacement for the Rebuild program file that is included with versions 3.2 and 3.2a of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks. This update resolves the following problems:

To download the updated file

You can find REBUPD.EXE (size: 61293 bytes) 
                       , a self-extracting file, on the following
services: For additional information about downloading, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q119591
   TITLE     : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online

After you download REBUPD.EXE to a clean directory, run it (by typing "rebupd" at the MS-DOS prompt) to extract the contents of the file. You should receive the following files:

   REBUILD.EXE (85,987 bytes, dated 02-21-95, 4:54 P.M.)

To update your REBUILD.EXE file

At the MS-DOS command prompt, type the following and press ENTER

   copy <drive>:\rebuild.exe <destination>

where <drive> is the drive and directory where you ran the self- extracting REBUPD.EXE file and <destination> is the drive and directory where your REBUILD.EXE file currently resides. For example, if you ran the self-extracting file from the TEST directory on drive D, and your REBUILD.EXE file is located in the MAILEXE directory on drive C, type the following command:

   copy d:\test\rebuild.exe c:\mailexe

NOTE: The REBUILD.EXE file typically resides on the postoffice server in the Mail executables directory as well as on the machine importing addresses into the database. Make sure you update all copies of REBUILD.EXE.

Additional reference words: 3.20 wga KBCategory: kbusage kbfile kbtlc kbbug3.20 kbfix3.20a kbfix3.50 KBSubCategory: MailPCDirSync

Version           : 3.20 3.20a
Platform          : MS-DOS

Last Reviewed: February 24, 1999