How to Set Up Directory Annotation for Internet Server FTP

ID: Q142879

1.00 WINDOWS NT kbusage kbhowto

The information in this article applies to:


This article explains how to set up directory annotation for Internet Server FTP.


Directory Annotation Files

You can add directory descriptions to inform FTP users of the contents of directories on the server.

To annotate files:

1. Create a file named ~ftpsvc~.ckm in the directory to be annotated. Using

   an editor, create the information to be displayed.

2. In the Windows NT File Manager, select the file, and make it a hidden
   file, so directory listings do not display this file.

Directory annotation can be toggled by FTP users on a user-by-user basis with a built-in, site-specific command called ckm. This will vary depending on the FTP client used. For a Microsoft FTP client, the command "literal SITE CKM" will toggle annotations for the FTP client on or off.

To change the FTP Server service configuration in the Registry:

1. Edit the Windows NT Registry with Regedt32.exe. When the Registry Editor

   window appears, you can press F1 to get Help on how to make changes in
   the Registry Editor.

2. In Registry Editor, click the window titled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on the
   local machine, and then click the icons for the SYSTEM subtree until you
   reach the following subkey:


All of the parameters described here are found under the preceding Registry subkey. This value of this Registry subkey does not appear by default in the Registry, so you must add an entry if you want to change its default value.


   Data type = REG_DWORDRange = 0 or 1   Default = 0 (false -- that
   is, directory annotation is off).

The preceding value defines the default behavior of directory annotation for newly connected users. Directory descriptions are used to inform FTP users of the contents of a directory on the server. The directory description is saved in a file named ~ftpsvc~.ckm, which is usually a hidden file. When this value is 1, directory annotation is enabled.

Additional reference words: prodiis 1.00 KBCategory: kbusage kbhowto KBSubcategory: nthowto

Keywords          : nthowto 
Version           : 1.00
Platform          : NT WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 2, 1996