ID: Q100609
9.00 WINDOWS kbusage kbsound kbhw
The information in this article applies to:
If your computer begins beeping after enabling and using the Magnify feature of the Microsoft Mouse driver version 9.0, you may be holding down the ALT key rather than pressing and then releasing it. The ALT key is buffered.
To successfully use the Magnify option, first press the key combination that you enabled, then release. This prevents the keyboard buffer from becoming full and beeping.
Magnify is a new feature of the 9.0 mouse driver. It creates a small rectangular frame around the pointer and enlarges the area inside the square when enabled.
KBCategory: kbusage kbsound kbhw KBSubcategory: win31 wfw wfwg Additional reference words: 3.10 9.00 mouse mice sounds sound noise crackle click magnified enlarged
Keywords : win31 wfwg
Version : 9.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: September 14, 1996