Mouse Driver 8.2 /U, /E, /X No Longer SupportedID: Q83343
Beginning with Microsoft Mouse driver version 8.2, the command line
options /U, /E, and /X are no longer supported, as well as the
corresponding MOUSE.INI file settings. This information applies to all
versions of the Microsoft Mouse and Microsoft BallPoint Mouse, and
Microsoft Mouse driver version 8.2 for MS-DOS based systems.
NOTE: Windows operating system version 3.1 includes mouse driver
version 8.2.
If the Microsoft Mouse driver is loaded with the command line options /U, /E, or /X, the mouse driver loads in conventional 640K memory (if it normally loads without the switch), but the following message is appended to the normal Mouse driver installed message:
If you try to use the corresponding MOUSE.INI allowable values for the Memory= line (HiMem, EMM), or for MouseType= line (MSX) no appended messages appear. However, because these values are no longer supported, they are ignored.Parameters /U, /E, /X no longer supported.
Additional query words: 8.20 8.2 8.20a 9.00
Keywords : win31
Version : 8.20 8.20a
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: August 8, 1999