Language Extensions Included with PWB 2.0

ID: Q86805

7.00 MS-DOS kbtool

The information in this article applies to:


The Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) version 2.0 that comes with Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 has several language extensions. The files are located in the \C700\BIN directory and are named:

   PWBC.MXT     - C
   PWBMASM.XXT  - Assembler

By default, only the C extension file (PWBC.MXT) is loaded because PWB automatically loads extensions that begin with PWB, have a .MXT extension, and are located in the directory that contains PWB. To load any of the other language extensions, rename them with a .MXT extension, then restart PWB.


If the extension for a particular language is not loaded, that language will not appear in the Options menu in the Project Templates dialog box for Runtime Support, or under the Languages Options menu. Also, this file type will not be recognized when it is added to a Project List and saved. In these circumstances, PWB will issue the following message:

   Project: file '<filename>.<ext>' will be ignored
      File type not used with current project template.

Once the proper extension has been added, the language will be added to the Runtime Support list, and the extensions for that language will be recognized by PWB.

Additional reference words: kbinf 2.00 7.00 KBCategory: kbtool KBSubcategory: PWBIss Keywords : kb16bitonly

Last Reviewed: July 18, 1997