ID: Q99418
3.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 | 5.00
The information in this article applies to:
Effective June 30, 1993, Microsoft will discontinue both sales and support for the COBOL Professional Development System.
Micro Focus, a long time strategic partner of Microsoft, will handle all issues related to Microsoft COBOL including support. We believe that Micro Focus will offer the best all-around solution for the industry's COBOL requirements. Micro Focus will also work closely with Microsoft customers to ensure quality support.
Micro Focus plans to offer attractive upgrade prices for Microsoft COBOL customers to commence June 30, 1993. For sales and upgrade information, please contact the Micro Focus Sales Department at (800) 872-6265.
For continued no charge phone support, please contact Micro Focus in Palo Alto, CA at (415) 496-7230 or in Philadelphia, PA at (215) 293-4550.
NOTE: For the customer outside the United States, the following phone numbers can also be used to contact Micro Focus Technical Support.
Newbury, England 0635 32646
Munich, Germany (89) 420940
Paris, France (1) 69413362
The customers can also contact their nearest Micro Focus product
distributor for help.
For customers not in Germany and France, the number of Newbury, England is the best location to call.
Additional reference words: kbinf 3.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 KBCategory: kbref KBSubcategory:
Keywords : kb16bitonly
Version : 3.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 | 5.00
Last Reviewed: July 18, 1997