ID: Q84316
3.20 MS-DOS kbtool kbprb
The information in this article applies to:
When object modules created with Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 are added to a library, the symbols they contribute to the library listing may be decorated, making them difficult to work with.
The LINK switch /MAP:full can be used to place undecorated names (along with their corresponding decorated names) in the map file when linking. The map file can be used to decipher the library listing. There are no switches that will allow LIB 3.2 to provide the undecorated names directly in the library listing.
This feature was implemented in LIB version 3.31, provided with Microsoft Visual C++ version 1.0.
Additional reference words: 3.20 7.00 library KBCategory: kbtool kbprb KBSubcategory: LibIss Keywords : kb16bitonly
Last Reviewed: July 18, 1997