DOCUMENT:Q81541 08-OCT-1999 [utilities] TITLE :Using PWB to Maintain Libraries PRODUCT :Microsoft Programming Utilities PROD/VER:: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kb16bitonly ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Programmer's Workbench for MS-DOS - Microsoft Programmer's Workbench for OS/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article describes how to add a template of build switches to the TOOLS.INI file, which will allow you to maintain libraries of object modules. This article also describes how to add new object modules to an existing library using the Programmer's WorkBench. One drawback to using these templates is that the library must exist before they can be used. This articles was originally written for PWB 1.X, but the process is the same for PWB 2.0. However, some of the steps to select the build options are different. MORE INFORMATION ================ Add the following template to the TOOLS.INI file in the subdirectory specified by the INIT environment variable. This template will allow you to replace .OBJ modules in an existing library. Note that the object module must be in the library to make use of this template. Note: The lines that are split should be concatenated. These lines were broken for readability. [pwb-Build Options:Replace OBJ in Library] build: macro PWBRMAKE "pwbrmake" build: macro NMAKEBSC1 "set" build: macro NMAKEBSC2 "nmake" build: macro CC "cl" build: macro CFLAGS_G "/AL /W2 /G2 /BATCH /FR$*.sbr" build: macro CFLAGS_D "/qc /Od /Zi /Zr" build: macro CFLAGS_R "/Ot /Oi /Ol /Oe /Og /Gs" build: macro ASM "ml" build: macro AFLAGS_G "/W2 /WX /FR$*.sbr" build: macro AFLAGS_D "/Sf /Sa /Sg /Sx /Zi /Fl" build: macro AFLAGS_R "/nologo" build: macro MAPFILE_D "$(PROJ).map" build: macro MAPFILE_R "NUL" build: macro BRFLAGS " /o $(PROJ).bsc" build: macro BROWSE "1" build: macro LIB "lib" build: all $(PROJ).lib build: target $(PROJ).bsc pwbrmake build: target $(PROJ).lib lib nmakebsc1 nmakebsc2 build: inference .c.sbr cc_c_sbr build: inference .asm.sbr asm_asm_sbr build: inference .c.obj cc_c_obj lib_obj_lib build: inference .asm.obj asm_asm_obj lib_obj_lib build: inference h2inc_h_inc build: command pwbrmake "$(PWBRMAKE) @<<\n$(BRFLAGS) $(SBRS)\n<<" build: command nmakebsc1 "$(NMAKEBSC1) MAKEFLAGS=" build: command nmakebsc2 "$(NMAKEBSC2) $(NMFLAGS) -f $(PROJFILE) $(PROJ).bsc" build: command lib_obj_lib "$(LIB) $(PROJ).lib -+$(@B).obj;" build: command lib "@echo $(OBJS) >NUL" build: release command cc_c_sbr "$(CC) /Zs $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_R) /FR$@ $<" build: debug command cc_c_sbr "$(CC) /Zs $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_D) /FR$@ $<" build: release command asm_asm_sbr "$(ASM) /Zs $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_R) /FR$@ $<" build: debug command asm_asm_sbr "$(ASM) /Zs $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_D) /FR$@ $<" build: release command cc_c_obj "$(CC) /c $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_R) /Fo$@ $<" build: debug command cc_c_obj "$(CC) /c $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_D) /Fo$@ $<" build: release command asm_asm_obj "$(ASM) /c $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_R) /Fo$@ $<" build: debug command asm_asm_obj "$(ASM) /c $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_D) /Fo$@ $<" build: release command h2inc_h_inc "$(H2INC) /c $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_R) $<" build: debug command h2inc_h_inc "$(H2INC) /c $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_D) $<" This template will allow you to add new OBJ modules to an existing library. Add the following template to the TOOLS.INI file in the subdirectory specified by the INIT environment variable. Note: The object module must not be in the library to make use of this template. [pwb-Build Options:Add OBJ to library] build: macro PWBRMAKE "pwbrmake" build: macro NMAKEBSC1 "set" build: macro NMAKEBSC2 "nmake" build: macro CC "cl" build: macro CFLAGS_G "/AL /W2 /G2 /BATCH /FR$*.sbr" build: macro CFLAGS_D "/qc /Od /Zi /Zr" build: macro CFLAGS_R "/Ot /Oi /Ol /Oe /Og /Gs" build: macro ASM "ml" build: macro AFLAGS_G "/W2 /WX /FR$*.sbr" build: macro AFLAGS_D "/Sf /Sa /Sg /Sx /Zi /Fl" build: macro AFLAGS_R "" build: macro MAPFILE_D "$(PROJ).map" build: macro MAPFILE_R "NUL" build: macro BRFLAGS " /o $(PROJ).bsc" build: macro BROWSE "1" build: macro LIB "lib" build: all $(PROJ).lib build: target $(PROJ).bsc pwbrmake build: target $(PROJ).lib lib nmakebsc1 nmakebsc2 build: inference .c.sbr cc_c_sbr build: inference .asm.sbr asm_asm_sbr build: inference .c.obj cc_c_obj lib_obj_lib build: inference .asm.obj asm_asm_obj lib_obj_lib build: inference h2inc_h_inc build: command pwbrmake "$(PWBRMAKE) @<<\n$(BRFLAGS) $(SBRS)\n<<" build: command nmakebsc1 "$(NMAKEBSC1) MAKEFLAGS=" build: command nmakebsc2 "$(NMAKEBSC2) $(NMFLAGS) -f $(PROJFILE) $(PROJ).bsc" build: command lib_obj_lib "$(LIB) $(PROJ).lib +$(@B).obj;" build: command lib "@echo $(OBJS) >NUL" build: release command cc_c_sbr "$(CC) /Zs $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_R) /FR$@ $<" build: debug command cc_c_sbr "$(CC) /Zs $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_D) /FR$@ $<" build: release command asm_asm_sbr "$(ASM) /Zs $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_R) /FR$@ $<" build: debug command asm_asm_sbr "$(ASM) /Zs $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_D) /FR$@ $<" build: release command cc_c_obj "$(CC) /c $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_R) /Fo$@ $<" build: debug command cc_c_obj "$(CC) /c $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_D) /Fo$@ $<" build: release command asm_asm_obj "$(ASM) /c $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_R) /Fo$@ $<" build: debug command asm_asm_obj "$(ASM) /c $(AFLAGS_G) $(AFLAGS_D) /Fo$@ $<" build: release command h2inc_h_inc "$(H2INC) /c $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_R) $<" build: debug command h2inc_h_inc "$(H2INC) /c $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_D) $<" To demonstrate the use of these templates, do the following. 1. At the command prompt, type the following: " lib example" (without the quotation marks) 2. The library manager will ask you if you would like to create the new library. Answer "Y". 3. Press ENTER for the remaining prompts. 4. Start PWB. 5. Create a program list EXAMPLE.MAK. 6. Add a .C or .ASM file to the program list. 7. From the Options menu, choose Build Options. If you are using PWB version 1.1, set the main language to none. Set Initial Build Options to Add OBJ to library. 8. Choose Rebuild All from the Make menu. 9. In the Compile Results window, you should see the results of NMAKE compiling your file and adding it to the existing library. 10. Now choose Build Options from the Options menu. 11. Set Initial Build Options to Replace OBJ in Library. 12. Choose Rebuild All from the Make menu. 13. In the Compile Results window, you should see the results of NMAKE compiling or assembling your file and replacing it in the existing library. For information on how to make libraries dependents of the current target, query on the following words: " library pwb dependent" (without the quotation marks) For more information about the PWB build switches and how to modify the above switches, see the "Microsoft Programmers WorkBench" application note, which can be obtained from Microsoft Product Support or query on SW0330. Additional query words: kbinf 1.00 1.10 2.00 ====================================================================== Keywords : kb16bitonly Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbPWBSearch kbZNotKeyword3 Version : : ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.