OFF4: How to Prevent MOM From Starting When Booting Windows

ID: Q137638

The information in this article applies to:


When you install the Microsoft Office Manager (MOM) for Microsoft Office, the MOM icon is automatically inserted in the Startup group in Program Manager. This behavior occurs by default. As a result, MOM is loaded when you start Microsoft Windows.


To disable MOM after running Setup, remove the MOM icon from the Startup group in Program Manager. Or, if you are using Windows 95, remove the MOM shortcut from the StartUp group by using the following steps:

  1. Right-click the Start menu. On the shortcut menu, click Open.

  2. Double-click Programs.

  3. Double-click StartUp.

  4. Right-click the shortcut for MOM. On the shortcut menu, click Delete.

  5. Close the Windows Explorer windows.


"Getting Started," version 4.2, Chapter 2, "Information for Network Administrators"

Additional query words: disable stop toolbar howto

Keywords          : kbsetup kbtool offwin 
Version           : 4.0 4.20 4.30 4.30c-CD
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: June 18, 1999