OFF95: Folder Exists After Removing Toolbar from Shortcut Bar

ID: Q131800

7.00 WINDOWS kbtool kbusage

The information in this article applies to:


When you delete a toolbar that you added to the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar, the folder for the toolbar is not removed from your computer.

Additionally, if you add a toolbar to the Shortcut Bar as a blank toolbar, and you use the name of a previously deleted toolbar, you receive the following error message

   Cannot create a blank toolbar called '<toolbar>' because there is a
   previously deleted toolbar by that name. Do you want to add the
   previously deleted toolbar instead?

where <toolbar> is the name of the toolbar you are adding.


This behavior is by design of Microsoft Office. When you add a toolbar to the Office Shortcut bar using a new, blank folder, a folder is created in the Office\Shortcut Bar folder in the Microsoft Office folder. When you add a toolbar to the Shortcut Bar using an existing folder, an entry for this folder is added to the Windows registration file, and a toolbar for this folder is added to the Shortcut Bar. In either case, when you remove the toolbar that you added to the Shortcut Bar, the underlying folder is not removed from your hard drive.

Because of this behavior, when you add a blank toolbar to the Shortcut Bar that has the same name as a toolbar that you previously removed, you receive the warning described above indicating that you cannot create a toolbar with this same name.

Note that you can add a toolbar for an existing folder, even if you have previously removed a toolbar for the same folder. However, if you remove the toolbar, and then add the toolbar again for the same folder without closing the Customize dialog box after removing the toolbar, you receive the following error message

   The toolbar named "toolbar" is being reserved for future use

where toolbar is the name of the toolbar that you are adding.

Note that when you remove a toolbar that you added to the Shortcut Bar, the registry entry for the toolbar is removed.


If you want to remove the folder for a toolbar that you remove from the Office Shortcut bar, use My Computer or Explorer to locate the folder (in the Office\Shortcut Bar folder in the Microsoft Office folder if you created the toolbar from a new, blank folder) and drag the folder to the Recycle Bin.


For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q130848
   TITLE     : OFF95: Difference Between Hide and Delete Item on Shortcut

KBCategory: kbtool kbusage KBSubcategory: offwin

Additional reference words: 7.00 OSB

Keywords          : offwin 
Version           : 7.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: March 28, 1997