Office: Setup and Uninstall Leaves Directory Structure Intact

ID: Q108217

1.00 WINDOWS kbsetup The information in this article applies to:


When you use the Setup program to install, uninstall, or remove any of the above applications, the existing directory structure is unchanged.


This behavior is a function of Setup. Setup behaves in this fashion so that files and .INI entries that were not created by the host application are not deleted. The Setup program deletes only what it installed.

For example, if you are updating PowerPoint 3.0 to PowerPoint 4.0, the old PowerPoint 3.0 files are removed but their empty directories will not be deleted.

KBCategory: kbsetup KBSubcategory:

Additional reference words: 1.0 1.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 acme acmsetup.exe macppt winppt clipart timesavr 35mslide b&wovrhd vidscren remove all

Keywords          :  
Version           : 1.00
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 20, 1999