OFF97: Sections Created by Unbind.exe not Readable on the Mac

ID: Q161739

The information in this article applies to:


If you unbind a Microsoft Office Binder 97 file using the Macintosh version of Unbind.exe included in the Office Resource Kit 97, you may be unable to open the individual sections in Microsoft Office programs for the Macintosh.


The file formats of the sections in the binder are not compatible with the Microsoft Office for the Macintosh programs.


To use the sections contained in an Office Binder 97 file on the Macintosh, do the following:

  1. On a computer running either Windows 95 or Windows NT (version 3.51 or 4.0), unbind the binder using the Windows version of Unbind.exe included with the Office Resource Kit 97.

  2. Open each section in its respective Office 97 program.

  3. Save the sections in an earlier version file format; for example, save a Microsoft Excel section in the Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 file format and save a Word section in the Word 6.0/95 file format.

  4. Copy these converted files to your Macintosh.

You should be able to open the converted files in their respective Microsoft Office for the Macintosh programs.

NOTE: The Microsoft Office 97 programs include features that are not available in earlier versions of the programs. When you save a file in an earlier version format, you may lose some of these features.


The Microsoft Office Resource Kit 97 contains two utilities for unbinding binder documents: Unbind.hqx for the Macintosh and Unbind.exe for Windows. These utilities are located in the following folders in the Office Resource Kit:


To use the Unbind program on the Macintosh, you must convert it from the .hqx (BinHex) file format using a converter program such as BinHex, StuffIt, or Compact Pro.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q141862 How to Decode .hqx Files Downloaded from Online Services

Additional query words: OFF97 ORK 8.00 97

Keywords          : kb3rdparty kberrmsg kbole kbprint kbsetup kbtool xlloadsave offbinder offmac xlmac 
Version           : MACINTOSH:4.2.1,4.2.1a,4.2.1b;WINDOWS:97
Platform          : MACINTOSH 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: June 11, 1999