OFF97: Setup Program Fails to Run in Maintenance ModeID: Q161242
When you run the Microsoft Office 97 Setup program, the Add/Remove, Reinstall, and Remove All options do not appear even though you have successfully installed Microsoft Office 97 on the computer. Instead, the Setup program proceeds as if you never installed Microsoft Office 97 on the computer.
This problem may occur when all of the following conditions are true:
To prevent this problem from occurring, do not click Cancel when the Setup
program is copying files to the hard disk.
To resolve this problem, run the Setup program and allow the Setup program
to copy all the required files to the hard disk. After Setup is complete,
you can run the Setup program in maintenance mode.
This behavior is by design of the Microsoft Office 97 Setup program.
When you run the Microsoft Office 97 Setup program, it runs in one of two modes.
Mode Setup behavior
Initial Setup runs in this mode when Microsoft Office 97 is not
currently installed on the computer. In this mode, the
Add/Remove, Reinstall, and Remove All options do not
appear. Instead, you are prompted to choose a type of
installation and (optionally) select the components to
install. Setup then copies the files to the hard disk.
Maintenance Setup runs in this mode when Microsoft Office 97 is
currently installed on the computer. In this mode, the
Add/Remove (add and remove selected components), Reinstall
(reinstall Office using the same settings), and Remove All
(remove Office from the computer) options appear. If you
click Add/Remove or Reinstall, Setup copies the files
to the hard disk.
NOTE: When you run the Setup program in maintenance mode, if you click
Add/Remove or Reinstall, the Setup program copies files to the hard disk.
While Setup copies the files, a dialog box appears and displays the Setup
program's progress. If you click Cancel in this dialog box, the Setup
program stops and fails to copy the files.
Additional query words: OFF97
Keywords : offwinsetup offlocal offrfs
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: May 25, 1999