Office: Can't Preview Some Files with MOM Find FileID: Q113619
You cannot use the Find File feature in Microsoft Office Manager for Windows to display a preview of a Microsoft Word document, a Microsoft Access database, or a Microsoft PowerPoint template file. If you preview any of these files using Find File, the error "No preview is available for this file" is displayed.
The Find File feature in Microsoft Office Manager uses OLE information to
generate a preview of a file. Microsoft Word and Microsoft Access do not
save OLE information to files. In Microsoft PowerPoint, OLE information is
not contained in templates.
This OLE information is the "thumbnail" copy of the file that is saved as
part of the summary information (this "thumbnail" information IS available
in a Microsoft Excel 5.0 workbook and Microsoft PowerPoint 4.0 slide when
you save the file with summary information). Because this information is
not available in a Microsoft Word document, a Microsoft Access database or
a Microsoft PowerPoint template, the Find File feature cannot show a
preview of these files.
Note that you CAN use the Find File feature in Microsoft Word version 6.0
for Windows to display a preview of any version Microsoft Excel for Windows
file. The Microsoft Word Find File feature includes a file converter that
can read a Microsoft Excel file and display a preview of it (it does not
depend on the presence of OLE information to display a preview).
For more information about displaying a preview of a document in Find File,
query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
find and file and feature and preview and display
Additional query words: 5.00 6.00 6.00a missing macppt winppt thumbnail
Keywords :
Version : 4.00 4.20 4.30
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: June 18, 1999