OFFICE: Error "OFF43ART.IDX Cannot Be Read" Running from CD

ID: Q121863

The information in this article applies to:


After you have performed a Run From CD installation of Microsoft Office, you receive the following error message when you add clip art to the ClipArt Gallery:

Sorry, the file d:\clipart\off43art.idx cannot be read. The file may be
installed incorrectly, someone may be editing this file, or you may be
having hardware problems


This problem occurs when the Microsoft Office Disk 2 CD is in your CD ROM drive and the ClipArt Gallery tries to build the ARTGALRY.IDX and ARTGALRY.THM files.

There are two different groups of graphics that are built into the ARTGALRY.IDX and ARTGALRY.THM files: the *.PCS files provided with Microsoft PowerPoint, and the *.WMF files that are included with Microsoft Word. The *.WMF files are located on the Microsoft Office Disk 1 CD only, so when the ClipArt Gallery tries to add these files, they are not found on the Disk 2 CD.

Because the *.PCS files are located on both the Disk 1 CD and the Disk 2 CD, there is no problem adding these files.


To correct this problem on a one-time basis, do the following:

  1. Close the dialog box that contains the error message and exit the ClipArt Gallery.

  2. Insert the Disk 1 CD in the CD-ROM drive, and start the ClipArt Gallery again. Choose Yes to add clip art to the ClipArt Gallery.

When you use this method, the ARTGALRY.IDX and ARTGALRY.THM files are built, and you do not receive an error message.

The disadvantage of using this method is that if you want to insert one of the *.WMF files into a document, you must insert the Disk 1 CD to access the file. If the Disk 1 CD is not in the CD-ROM drive when you insert one of the *.WMF files, you receive an error message telling you that the file cannot be found, and asking if you want to remove the thumbnail for this picture from the ClipArt Gallery.

If you want to use the *.PCS files only, you can remove all of the *.WMF files from the ClipArt Gallery when prompted.
If you use the ClipArt Gallery frequently, you can avoid receiving this error message by installing the clip-art item to your local hard drive using the following steps:

  1. Run the Microsoft Office Setup program in maintenance mode.

  2. Choose the Add/Remove button.

  3. From the Options list, choose Shared Applications, then choose the Change Option button.

  4. In the Options list, clear the Clip Art check box, and choose OK.

  5. When the Setup program is complete, repeat steps 1-3 to install the clip art again.

  6. In the Options list, select the Clip Art check box, and choose OK.

  7. Continue with Setup to install the clip-art files to your local hard disk drive.

Note that you must remove the clip-art item and then add it back in order to install the files to your local hard disk drive. You cannot use the Setup program to change the directory to which the clip-art files are installed.

When you use this method, all of the clip-art files are available at all times.

For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q120836 Office 4.3 Err Msg: "ClipArt Gallery File Cannot Be Read

Additional query words: err msg 4.00c 4.30c-CD

Keywords          : 
Version           : 4.30c-CD
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: June 7, 1999