ClipArt Gallery: "File Error, Cannot Find PICSTORE.DLL"

ID: Q119927

The information in this article applies to:


When you start ClipArt Gallery version 1.1 from any OLE container application in Windows, the following error message is displayed:

   File Error
   Cannot find PICSTORE.DLL.

The only option is to choose the Close button. When you do so, ClipArt Gallery starts, and you can select a graphic.

When you select a graphic and choose the OK button, a second error message is displayed in a window titled "Microsoft ClipArt Gallery":

   Cannot find picstore.dll

The only option is to choose the OK button. When you do so, the following error message is displayed:

   The ClipArt Gallery could not read the file

The only option is to choose the OK button. When you do so, the ClipArt Gallery interface remains unchanged on the screen.


To correct these errors, do the following:

1. Search the hard disk for any instances of PICSTORE.DLL.

2. Delete all instances of PICSTORE.DLL.

3. Use the DECOMP.EXE utility, which ships with Office versions 4.0, 4.2,

   and 4.3 for Windows and PowerPoint 4.0 for Windows, to decompress
   PICSTORE.DL_ from the installation disks and to the Windows SYSTEM
   subdirectory on your hard disk. To do this, insert the first disk for
   the product or the disk containing both DECOMP.EXE and PICSTORE.DL_. At
   an MS-DOS prompt, type the following

   <a>:\decomp.exe <a>:\picstore.dl_ <c>:\<windows>\system\picstore.dll

   where <a> is the floppy disk drive containing the installation disk, <c>
   is your hard disk, and <windows> is your Windows directory.

NOTE: If you are using Microsoft Office version 4.2c or later, or Microsoft Office version 4.3c or later, you will need to use the EXTRACT.EXE utility.

For more information about using the EXTRACT utility to extract files, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q120006
   TITLE     : XL: How to Copy Files from Cabinets on DMF-Formatted Disks


Microsoft ClipArt Gallery version 1.1 requires PICSTORE.DLL in order to work properly. If this file is deleted, moved, or renamed, and an attempt is made to access ClipArt Gallery, the above errors and other related errors can occur.

Microsoft ClipArt Gallery version 1.1 ships with Office 4.0, 4.2, and 4.2 for Windows and PowerPoint 4.0 for Windows. You can also obtain ClipArt Gallery as an Application Note from Microsoft Product Support Services. For information about obtaining this Application Note, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ge1031 and appnote

Additional query words: 1.10 office 4.00 4.20 4.20b 4.20c 4.30 powerpoint cag
Keywords          : kberrmsg kbtool
Version           : windows:1.1
Platform          : WINDOWS
Hardware          : x86
Issue type        : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 17, 1998