MS Graph: Editing in the Datasheet

ID: Q64457

1.00 3.00 5.00 97 WINDOWS kbtool

The information in this article applies to:


The following information Graph Reference Table topic of PowerPoint version 2.0 Help.

Keyboard Key(s)           Function

F2                        Displays Edit Cell dialog box (see note)

BACKSPACE                 Displays Edit Cell dialog box and
                          deletes its contents (see note)

CTRL+; (semicolon)        Displays Edit Cell dialog box and
                          enters current date (see note)

CTRL+: (colon)            Displays Edit Cell dialog box and
                          enters current time (see note)

DEL                       Displays dialog box for clearing (see note)
                          contents of cell (cell or range selected)

SHIFT+DEL                 Cuts contents of cell or range of
                          cells to Clipboard (cell or range selected)

SHIFT+INS                 Pastes contents of Clipboard into cell

CTRL+INS                  Copies contents of cell(s) to Clipboard
                          (cell or range selected)

CTRL++ (plus)             Displays Insert Row/Col dialog

CTRL+- (minus sign)       Displays Delete Row/Col dialog
or CTRL+- (dash)

NOTE: The dialog box appears only if you are using PowerPoint Graph 1.0. In other versions of Graph, a dialog box does not appear, but the rest of the function applies. For example, in Graph 97 if you can press CTRL+; to insert the current date in the selected cell, but this keystroke does not display a dialog box.

For more information about this topic, refer to page 105 of your "Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows User's Guide," version 2.0.

KBCategory: kbtool KBSubcategory: ppt95 ppt97 Additional reference words: 1.00 msgraph ms graph ms_graph pptgraph ppt95 ppt97 powerpnt power point pp pp3 pp4 pp7 pp8

Keywords          : ppt95 ppt97 
Version           : 1.00 3.00 5.00 97
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: January 21, 1997