OFF: Information Is Erased on Screen

ID: Q119665

The information in this article applies to:


The Graph window fails to redraw when the following steps are taken:

1. Start Microsoft Graph.

2. Activate the chart window.

3. Double-click either the X or the Y axis.

4. In the Axis Patterns dialog box, choose the Font, Scale, or Text


5. Move the dialog box.

The data and chart information erases as you move the dialog box over its window.


Choosing the OK or Cancel button allows the screen to redraw and restores the data and chart information.

The problem does not occur in Graph 5.0.

Additional query words: 3.00 power point powerpt mac ppt ole macppt winppt w

Keywords          : kbole kbtool
Version           : windows:3.0,3.0b; macintosh:3.0
Platform          : MACINTOSH WINDOWS
Hardware          : MAC x86
Issue type        : kbprb

Last Reviewed: February 3, 1998