INFO: Errors Raised by Remote Data Service

ID: Q174518

The information in this article applies to:


This article presents the list of error codes and messages that can be raised by Remote Data Services (RDS).


Depending on the development environment used, the error code may be returned as either a decimal value or a hexadecimal HRESULT. This table presents the equivalent decimal and hexadecimal numeric codes. If a message applies to a specific version of RDS, the version is in parentheses. This is not part of the error message that occurs.

    ID#      Hex Value    Description

    4097     800A0FBD     Error in bindings property.

    4098     800A1002     Unable to update database.

    4099     800A1003     Unable to connect to server.

    4100     800A1004     Unable to create business object.

    4101     800A1005     Unable to invoke method on business object.

    4102     800A1006     Dataspace property is not valid.

    4103     800A1007     Unable to create object--it is not marked safe 
                          for scripting and initialization. (RDS 1.5)

    4103     800A1007     Safety settings on this computer prohibit 
                          creation of business object. (RDS 2.0)

    4104     800A1008     Rowset not updateable.

    4105     800A1009     Bad Inline Tablegram.

    4112     800A1010     Invalid RDS Client Version--Client is newer than

    4113     800A1011     Can not perform operation with an async operation 

    4114     800A1012     The column specified in SortColumn or 
                          FilterColumn does not exist.

    4115     800A1013     The recordset is not in an open state.

    4116     800A1014     One or more arguments are invalid.

    4117     800A1015     RDS has made an event call back to the consumer 
                          and has not yet returned.

    4351     800A10FF     Unexpected error.

    8192     800A2000     Remote Data Service 1.5.(RDS 1.5)

    8192     800A2000     Remote Data Service 2.0 (RDS 2.0)

    8193     800A2001     Internet Client Error.

    8194     800A2002     Internet Client Error: Request Timeout.

    8195     800A2003     Internet Client Error: Cannot Connect to Server.

    8196     800A2004     Internet Client Error: SSL Error (possibly 32K 
                          data upload limitation).

    8208     800A2010     Internet Server Error: Access Denied.

    8209     800A2011     Internet Server Error: Object/module not found.

    8210     800A2012     Internet Server Error: Request Forbidden.

    8430     800A20EE     Internet Client Error: Invalid Server Response.

    8447     800A20FF     Internet Server Error.

   12301     800A300D     Internet Client Error: Connection Reset. 

The latest and greatest list of errors for RDS can always be obtained from within a resource editor such as contained by Visual C++. Open the Msadcor.dll file and make sure that in the Open dialog box you set the "Open As" combo box equal to "Resources" and not "Auto". Then it's a simple matter of examining the string table for the definitive list of errors.


For more information, please see the following World Wide URL:

Additional query words: ADC ADO ASP kbdse kbSweepNext kbDsupport

Keywords          : kbDatabase kbRDS150 kbRDS200 
Version           : WINDOWS:1.5,2.0
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbinfo 

Last Reviewed: March 3, 1999