PRB: Use IDispatch for Objects Created by a DataSpace ObjectID: Q178845
Remote Data Services (RDS) has a DataSpace object that creates COM objects
on a remote Internet Information Server (IIS) computer. The DataSpace's
CreateObject() call accepts a ProgID as well as the Universal Resource
Identifier (URL) for an IIS server. CreateObject() returns a variant that
contains the IDispatch * for the created object.
If QueryInterface() is called to get an interface other than IDispatch,
E_NOINTERFACE is returned.
All calls to methods of the object created by DataSpace.CreateObject() must be made through IDispatch::Invoke(). Furthermore, you must call GetIDsOfNames() to get the DISPIDs of the methods you want to call because RDS changes the values of the DISPIDs. They may be different from the IDs specified in the typelib.
The Visual C++ code sample shown below in the "More Information" section
demonstrates how to call methods of a remote object created with RDS. The
sample uses the Visual C++ 5.0 #import feature to generate C++ classes for
calling methods of the DataSpace object and the remote object, which in
this case is an RDS DataFactory.
The sample code shows calling the undocumented function
_com_dispatch_method(), which is a function of the C run-time library. As
an alternative, IDispatch::Invoke can be called directly without the use of
this helper function.
Here is a short description of the function:
HRESULT __cdecl _com_dispatch_method(IDispatch * pDisp, DISPID dispid, WORD w, VARTYPE vt, void * pResult, const wchar_t * szFormat, ...);
pDisp - IDispatch of the method's object.
dispid - The DISPID of the method to call.
vt - The return type. Must be a Variant type.
pResult - Pointer to the memory location to place the return value.
SzFormat - String where each byte represents the variant type of each
of the arguments being passed to the method.
This behavior is by design.
Here is the code:
//include definitions for DataSpace and DataFactory objects
#import "c:\program files\common files\system\msadc\msadco.dll"
#import "c:\program files\common files\system\msadc\msadcf.dll"
#import "c:\program files\common files\system\ado\msado15.dll" rename
void CDlg::OnGetData()
RDS::DIDataspacePtr spDSP;
IDispatchPtr spDF;
_variant_t varResult;
hr = spDSP.CreateInstance(_uuidof(RDS::DataSpace));
if (FAILED(hr))
// handle failure
varResult = spDSP->CreateObject(_bstr_t("RDSSERVER.DataFactory"),
hr = varResult.pdispVal->QueryInterface(_uuidof(IDispatch),
(LPVOID *)&spDF);
if ((FAILED(hr))
// handle error
// Call the Query method of the DataFactory.
// First query for the DISPID of the method because RDS
// modifies the DISPID. It can be different than what the
// type library states.
LPOLESTR pszNames[1] = {OLESTR("Query")};
DISPID dispids[1];
hr = spDF->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, pszNames, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,
if (FAILED(hr)
//handle error
ADODB::_RecordsetPtr pRS;
IDispatch * _result;
_com_dispatch_method(spDF, dispids[0], DISPATCH_METHOD,
VT_DISPATCH, (void*)&_result,
(BSTR) _bstr_t("DSN=AdvWorks;UID=Admin;PWD=;"),
(BSTR)_bstr_t("Select * from employees"), 0L);
pRS = _result;
catch(_com_error e)
TRACE("Hresult = %x\n", e.Error());
TRACE("%S\n", e.Description());
// Output the results of the returned recordset.
long lCount = pRS->Fields->Count;
for (long lIndex = 0; lIndex<lCount; lIndex++)
_variant_t varField = pRS->Fields->Item[lIndex]->Value;
if (varField.vt != VT_NULL)
// Do something with the BSTR here, for example, put it into a
// list control.
Additional query words: interface nointerface kbdse
Keywords : kbcode kbDatabase kbRDS kbVC
Version : WINDOWS:1.5,2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: January 30, 1999