HOWTO: Creating a Dynamically Growing Form Using ASPID: Q163499
This article provides an example of how to simulate a dynamically growing form using Active Server Pages. This example allows you to enter items one at a time, and add them to a list. Once the list has been created, it can be submitted as a whole.
In the following example, a basic form is drawn with one text box. You
can enter information in that text box, and click Add Item to List. This button submits the form to the same file. As each item is
entered, it is added to the form as a new text box with the name ITEMS.
Ultimately when the whole list is submitted, there are several items in the
list that can be looped through as a collection of ITEMS.
To test this technique, save the text below to a file named Dynaform.asp.
Be sure that this file is located in an IIS Virtual Root.
<%@ language = vbscript%>
<% Response.Expires = 0 %>
<TITLE>Dynamically Growing Form</TITLE>
If Request("Action") = "Submit the List" Then
' Show what was entered.
Response.Write "<B>Here are the Items submitted:</B><BR>"
nItems = Request.Form("Items").Count
For i = 1 To nItems
' Show submitted Items
Response.Write Request.Form("Items")(i) & "<BR>"
Response.Write Request("Item") & "<BR>"
' Create the form from all items. %>
<FORM Action=dynaform.asp Method=Post>
nItems = Request.Form("Items").Count
For i = 1 To nItems
' Show previously submitted Items
Response.Write "<INPUT Type=Text Name=Items Value=""" & _
Trim(Request.Form("Items")(i)) & """><BR>"
If Request.Form("Item") <> "" Then
' paint a new input box, and store the old Item in Items collection
Response.Write "<INPUT Type=Text Name=Items Value=""" & _
Trim(Request.Form("Item")) & """><BR>"
Response.Write "<P>Please enter an Item,<BR>"
Response.Write "and submit them one at a time<BR>"
Response.Write "by pressing the Add Item button.<BR>"
Response.Write "<INPUT Type=Text Size=50 Name=Item Value="""""">"
' No Item was submitted, don't show an error
Response.Write "<P>Please enter an Item,<BR>"
Response.Write "and submit them one at a time<BR>"
Response.Write "by pressing the Add Item button.<BR>"
Response.Write "<INPUT Type=Text Size=40 Name=Item Value="""""">
End If
<INPUT Type="Submit" Name="Action" Value="Add Item to List">
<INPUT Type="Submit" Name="Action" Value="Submit the List">
<% End If %>
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Additional query words: 1.00
Keywords : kbcode kbsample kbASP kbASPObj kbScript kbVisID kbGrpASP
Version : winnt:
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: May 26, 1999