OL97: ErrMsg: Nmexchex.dll Could Not be Installed or Loaded

ID: Q178265

The information in this article applies to:


When starting Microsoft Outlook 97, you may receive the following message:

   The add-in "<path>\NetMeeting\nmexchex.dll" could not be installed
   or loaded. Unable to load "<path>\Netmeeting\nmexchex.dll". You may
   be out of memory, out of system resources, or missing a .dll file.

Where <path> is the installation path to NetMeeting.


This behavior can occur if you remove NetMeeting and then reinstall NetMeeting to a folder other than where you originally installed it, or if the Nmexchex.dll file is missing or damaged.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

1. On the File menu, click Exit and Logoff.

2. Click the Start button, point to Find and click Files or Folders.

3. In the Named box, type "extend.dat" (without quotation marks) and ensure

   that the Look in box is set to the drive where Windows is installed and
   click Find Now.

4. In the list of files, right-click extend.dat and click Rename on the
   shortcut menu. Rename the file to extend.dat.old and press ENTER.

5. Restart Outlook.


The extend.dat file is a binary cache of the Outlook extension settings. It is not updated during reinstallation of NetMeeting if the extension is not manually removed from within Outlook prior to reinstallation.

By renaming extend.dat, Outlook will check the location of all the Add-In extensions, cache this information, and rebuild the extend.dat file.

Additional query words: 4.00

Keywords          : kbdta GnlAddin 
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbpending

Last Reviewed: May 17, 1999