OL97: ErrMsg: Wmsui32.dll is Corrupt

ID: Q177879

The information in this article applies to:


When you start Microsoft Outlook 97 you receive this error message:

   WMSUI32.dll is either corrupt or missing.


The file mentioned in the error message is damaged, missing, or the incorrect version.


This file is on your Microsoft Office 97 or Outlook CD-ROM; copy the file to your computer to replace the file.


NOTE: These steps apply to computers running Windows 95 only. For computers running Windows NT, see the REFERENCES section for more information.

To replace the file, follow these steps:

1. Quit all programs.

2. Click the Start button, point to Find and click Files or Folders. In

   the Named box type, "Wmsui32.dll" (without quotation marks) and click
   Find Now.

3. In the Search Results list, right-click Wmsui32.dll and then click
   Rename. Rename the extension .dll with .old.

4. Insert the Office 97 or Outlook CD-ROM into the drive.

5. Ensure Wmsui32.dll is in the Named box. In Look In, click to select the

   CD-ROM drive from the list and click Find Now. In the Search Results
   list, copy the file to the Windows\System folder.

NOTE: When you attempt to rename this file you may receive an error Message stating that the file is in use and cannot be renamed. If this occurs quit Windows and restart in MS-DOS mode to rename the file.

To rename the file in MS-DOS, follow these steps:

1. Click the Start button and click Shut Down. Click to select

   "Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode."

2. Type "cd system" (without quotation marks) and press ENTER.

3. Type

     ren Wmsui32.dll Wmsui32.old

   and then press ENTER to rename the file.

5. Type exit and press ENTER to restart Windows.

You can now copy the file from the CD-ROM into the System folder.

For more information about how to perform these task in Windows, see your Windows printed documentation or online Help.


Windows NT installations vary depending on customer need and the type of disk partitions installed. Additional steps may be required to replace a file stored in the System32 folder. For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q164471
   TITLE     : Replacing System Files Using a Modified Emergency Repair
Keywords          : EvnGpf 
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: February 12, 1999