OL97: Error Sending E-mail With cc:Mail Transport

ID: Q165500

The information in this article applies to:


You may get the following error message when attempting to send an email message over the Internet from Outlook 97, using the cc:Mail transport service:

   No mail transport provided


This error message can have 2 causes:


In the first case, the System Administrator must set up a cc:Mail postoffice with an Internet gateway. This postoffice is used to route messages to the Internet.

In the second case, you can configure an e-mail name as an Internet mail address as follows:

1. Open the source of the e-mail name (Outlook Contact, Personal Address

   Book, or Postoffice Address List), right-click on the e-mail entry,
   and click Properties.

2. In the "E-mail address:" window, add the name of the postoffice with
   the Internet gateway to the end of the e-mail name.

   For example: "JohnDoe@anywhere.com at internet"
                (Typically, "internet" is the name assigned to the
                postoffice set up to route the Internet messages.)

3. In the "E-mail type:" window, type CCMAIL.

4. Click OK.


For more information on setting up the cc:Mail service in Outlook, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID:  Q163290
   TITLE     :  OL97: Troubleshooting Cc:Mail Connectivity in Outlook

For more information about using cc:Mail with Outlook, type "cc:Mail" in the Office Assistant, click Search, and then click to view "If you use Lotus cc:Mail."

Lotus cc:Mail is manufactured by Lotus Development Corporation, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

Keywords          : kb3rdparty CfgCCMail 
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Platform          : WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: June 3, 1998