OL97: How to Save an Outlook Calendar in HTML Format

ID: Q170992

The information in this article applies to:


This article describes how you can use Microsoft Outlook 97 and Microsoft Word 97 with the Olcalndr.dot Word template to save your Outlook calendar as a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) formatted document.


Outlook 97 does not include a method of saving Outlook items or folders as HTML files. However, you can convert your daily or monthly calendar into a Word 97 document and then, from Word, save the calendar in HTML format.

Converting Your Calendar to Word

1. Download Olcalndr.exe from the Microsoft Software Library and save it

   on your hard drive. For more information about obtaining Olcalndr.exe,
   please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

      ARTICLE-ID: Q166993
      TITLE     : OL97: Outlook Calendar Template for Word 97 Available on

2. In Windows Explorer, double-click the Olcandr.exe file you downloaded to
   expand the compressed file. Olcalndr.exe will create two files,
   Olcalndr.dot (a Word 97 template) and Readme.txt (usage instructions).

3. Move the Olcalndr.dot template file to your \Program Files\Microsoft
   Office\Templates folder.

4. Start Word 97, and on the File menu, click New.

5. On the General tab, click Olcalndr.dot and click OK to create a new

   document based on the Olcalndr.dot template.

6. In the Calendar Setup, click or type to fill in your choices and
   click OK.

   NOTE: If Outlook is not running, the template automatically starts

7. After the template creates your calendar, you can modify the calendar as
   desired before saving it in HTML format.

Saving the Calendar as an HTML Document

1. With your calendar open in Word (step 7 above), on the File menu,

   click "Save As HTML."

2. In the File Name box, type a name for your HTML file. Use HTM as your
   file extension or let Word assign the extension.

3. Make sure the Save As Type box lists "HTML Document

4. Click Save and click OK to the message regarding loss of formatting.

5. After saving the calendar in HTML format, on the Standard Toolbar,

   click the Web Page Preview button to open your calendar in your Web
   browser program.
Keywords          : kbinterop GnlCal HtmView 
Version           : WINDOWS:97
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: June 3, 1998