ODBC Logging Fails Without Warning

ID: Q177707

The information in this article applies to:


When you are configured to log to an ODBC datasource, your requests will fail to be logged without warning if the table name specified is incorrect.


If the table name is invalid, does not exist, or is not in the proper format, no logging will take place. The user will not be warned that the ODBC properties were incorrectly configured or that the table structure is incorrect.


Verify that the table name is specified correctly in the ODBC logging properties of Web or Winsock Proxy properties.

Also, ensure that the table structure is in the correct format. Proxy 2.0 Setup program provides a SQL Server script to create the table structure for Web Proxy, Winsock Proxy, and Packet Filter logging. They are located in the following directories:

   Drive:\%Winnt%\Help\Proxy\Misc\Msp.sql (Web and Winsock logging)

   Drive:\%Winnt%\Help\Proxy\Misc\Pf.sql (Packet Filter logging)

Additional query words: odbc logging proxy
Keywords          : pxsconfig 
Version           : WINNT:2.0
Platform          : winnt
Hardware          : ALPHA x86
Issue type        : kbprb

Last Reviewed: August 15, 1998