ID: Q140555
The information in this article applies to:
The following two new Win32 CPIC API Calls have been added to SNA Server 2.11 to enable asynchronous verb completion using Windows NT Events:
Currently, CPIC verbs complete asynchronously by posting a message to a window. There is one such window for each CPIC application. Each CPIC conversation can have one asynchronous verb outstanding at any time. When a verb completes, the posting to the window takes as parameters the CPIC conversation ID of the verb which has completed, and the return code of the verb.
This new specification addresses the new requirement to allow CPIC verbs running on Win32 to complete asynchronously through events, in common with the other SNA Server asynchronous interfaces.
The prototypes are:
/* Set_Conversation_Event */
VOID WinCPICSetEvent(unsigned char CM_PTR, /*conversation_ID*/
CM_EVENT_HANDLE CM_PTR, /* event handle */
CM_RETURN_CODE CM_PTR); /* return_code */
The parameters for this verb are:
/* Extract_Conversation_Event */
VOID WinCPICExtractEvent(unsigned char CM_PTR /*conversation_ID*/
CM_EVENT_HANDLE CM_PTR, /* event handle */
CM_RETURN_CODE CM_PTR); /* return_code */
The parameters for this verb are:
If no event has been registered, then the asynchronous verb completes as it does at present, which is by posting a message to the window which the application has registered with the CPIC library.
It is the responsibility of the application to reset the event, as it is with other APIs.
An application can discover the event handle being used for a CPIC conversation with the call WinCPICExtractEvent().
Internal Changes:
Asynchronous event completion inside the CPIC library is done by a macro COMPLETE_ASYNC_VERB. This is changed to first check whether there is an event handle associated with the conversation. If there is, it clears this event. If there is not, it posts a message to a window as before.
The conversation control block is changed to have a field to contain the event.
Microsoft has updated the following files to add the two new Win32 CPIC API calls:
This feature is included in the latest U.S. Service Pack for SNA Server for Windows NT, version 2.11. For information on obtaining the Service Pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):
KBCategory: kbnetwork kbbug2.11
KBSubcategory: ntnetserv
Additional reference words: prodsna 2.11
Keywords : ntnetserv
Version : 2.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: February 2, 1996