ID: Q115380
The following is the README.TXT file that accompanies SNA Server 2.0 patch 41 (SNA20.P41):
Note that this article reflects the text of a static document. Therefore, some of the information in this article may be outdated. For example, as of May 20, 1996, Microsoft no longer maintains support forums on CompuServe.
******************* Beginning of Readme ***************************
Product: Microsoft SNA Server for Windows NT v2.0 Update: Patch #41 (includes Patch #6) Status: Confirmed
PKZIP 2.04g format -- uncompress using the "-d" option.
Date: April 22, 1994
Modules updated:
\SYSTEM\SNACFG.DLL 04/14/94 04:54p 227328
Bugs fixed:
2174 Allow XIDs ending in 00000.
Admin prohibits both local and remote XIDs from ending in 00000, displaying:
Error: 3907
The last five digits of the Local Node ID are invalid. These digits, also called the Node Number, can be any five hexadecimal digits except 00000, which is reserved.
This patch allows for the last five digits to be "00000"
1579 Fix to interoperate with unreleased APPN Network Nodes (Patch 6)
In certain unreleased versions of APPN Network Node products, these products do not accept XID's which exceed 60 bytes in length. The default XID sent by SNA Server is now below 60 bytes in length.
Update Procedure:
On all Windows NT machines where SNA Server Admin is run:
- stop SNA Server Admin, if it is running.
- copy the attached module to the <SnaRoot>\SYSTEM directory
- re-run SNA Server Admin, open the configuration file, and re-save
the configuration to apply the change.
- in order for SNA Server to pick up this change, all SNA Servers
(SnaServer service) using this configuration file will need to be
stopped and restarted.
*********************** End of Readme *******************************
SNA Server 2.0 patches are located on:
Keywords : kbnetwork ntdistrib
Version : 2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: April 18, 1997