"Routine not found" Error Using Microsoft Excel or Office Help

ID: Q125895

The information in this article applies to:


When you try to run Help from Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Office, you may receive the following error message :

Routine not found


If You Receive the Error Message in Microsoft Excel

This error message occurs if the path specified in the CBTLOCATION= line in the EXCEL5.INI file is invalid or if the WINHELP.INI file does not contain the correct path information for the XLHELP.DLL= and MAINXL.HLP= lines.

If You Receive the Error Message When You Try To Run OFREADME.HLP (Office Readme Help File)

This problem may occur when you do either of the following:


If You Receive the Error Message from Microsoft Excel

The path for the CBTLOCATION= line should point to the EXCEL\EXCELCBT directory. For example, if you have installed in the C:\EXCEL directory, the line would be shown as:

Also, the WINHELP.INI must contain the following lines:

   MAINXL.HLP=<path to the EXCEL directory> 

   XLHELP.DLL=<path to EXCEL directory> 

If You Receive the Error Message from Microsoft Office

In the first scenario, add the following line to your WINHELP.INI:

In the second scenario, either add a similar line (but with the drive letter instead of the UNC path), or reconnect to the server with the same drive letter from which you ran the install. This will ensure that the path to the Help file is correct.

Additional query words: office help file

Keywords          : 
Version           : 5.00 5.00c
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: July 29, 1999