HOWTO: Install SourceSafe on a Windows NT Client Workstation.

ID: Q130142

The information in this article applies to:


This article shows you how to install SourceSafe on a client workstation when the data is on a network drive.


With SourceSafe for Windows installed on a network server, do the following on the Windows NT workstation:

1. Create a directory structure that looks like this:


2. Copy the SSNT.EXE and SSNT.HLP files from the server's \SS\WINNT

3. Map the server where SourceSafe is installed to a named drive letter,
   such as Z:, making sure that the Reconnect at logon box is checked.

4. In the Windows NT Control Panel/System section, add the following
   environment variable:

        Variable: SSDIR
        Value:    Z:\<path to \SS>

5. Edit the USERS.TXT file to change this line:


   to this line:

      USER_NAME=<local drive>\SS\USER\SS.INI

6. Copy the SS.INI file from the \SS\USERS\USER_NAME\ to the local
   \SS\USER directory.

7. Edit the \SS\USER\SS.INI file, and add this line:


8. Set up the program icon in Program Manager.

Keywords          : kbsetup kbusage SourceSafe vbwin ss3 
Version           : 3.10
Platform          : NT WINDOWS

Last Reviewed: May 22, 1998