BUG: 32-bit Object Manager Fails When Using Transfer FeatureID: Q114099
The 32-bit version of Object Manager fails when using the Transfer
feature if an entry in a format file does not have corresponding data
in the input data file.
When the import is executed in this scenario, the following error
message is displayed in the Data Transfer Error Report Window:
$@ Row 1, Column 3: Attempt to bulk-copy a NULL value into a Server column which does not accept NULL values @#
Use the 16-bit version of Object Manager or simply remove the entry from the format file.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SQL Server version 4.21. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Additional query words: data transfer Windows NT
Keywords : kbtool SSrvObj_Man kbbug4.21 SSrvWinNT
Version : 4.21
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: March 19, 1999