BUG: DocErr: Unattended Setup INI File in Books Online
ID: Q136491
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft SQL Server version 6.0
BUG# NT: 10176 (6.00)
If you attempt an unattended setup using the sample .INI file from the
Microsoft SQL Server Books Online as a template, it causes a 'Noncritical
Error' saying:
External library procedure GetPrivProfStr reported the following error
however, the missing string is not reported in the message.
This is a documentation error. The unattended installation will
work correctly using the .INI template below.
The following .INI file can be used as a template for creating an
actual .INI file with these caveats:
- Use the following setup command (including any other necessary
switches) to use a file named MYPC.INI for initialization. The
capitalization of 'IniFilePath' and the spaces before and after
the equal sign (=) must match the example; the drive letter, path, and
filename are customizable:
setup /t IniFilePath = e:\setini\mypc.ini
- There must be at least one file listed in the CustomScriptList.
A file containing the word 'go' is sufficient.
- If the Mode is set to one for PerSeat Licensing, the PerServerUsers=x
line must still be present in the .INI file.
- A semicolon at the beginning of a line can be used to have Setup
treat the line as a comment.
- Setup will require a button click at the end of the installation to
issue a 'Reboot Now' or 'Reboot Later' command.
- If there is an installation of SQL Server version 4.2x already on the
machine, dialog boxes will appear waiting for Registered Owner and
Install/Upgrade confirmation before continuing with the installation. The
unattended setup cannot be used for upgrading an existing server to
version 6.0.
- Be sure the machine name is a valid SQL identifier, otherwise Setup
will display a "Warning: Invalid Machine Name" dialog and wait for
user input. As stated in SQL Server Books Online, "The server name used
by SQL Server is taken from the computer's name. Before installing
Microsoft SQL Server on a server computer, make sure that the server's
computer name is a valid SQL identifier. The first character must be a
letter or an underscore (_). Characters following the first character can
include letters, numbers, or the symbols #, $, or _. No embedded spaces
are allowed."
- When the Username or UserPassword for SQL Executive are not valid,
the Service Control Manager issues a "#SCM3 - 1057" error. Verify
the user has 'Log on as a service' user right, and that the domain
(or machine name) with a backslash is used when specifying the user.
- Unattended setup cannot be used when installing on a remote server.
FullName=Royce Aydel
OrgName=CLXD5 Corporation
; NetLibList={"SSNMPN60","SSMSRP60","SSMSSP60","SSMSSO60","SSMSAD60",
; "SSMSVI60","SSMSDE60"}
; SPXServiceName=ROYCEA3
; TCPIPSocketNumber=1433
; ADSPObjectName=
; VinesStreetName=
; DecNetObjectID=
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SQL Server
version 6.0. We are researching this problem and will post new
information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
There are three errors in the SQL Server Books Online, SQL Server Setup,
Appendix B, "A Sample Setup Initialization File" section. These were found
by comparing the GetPrivProfStr calls in Setup.INF with the sample file.
(NOTE: The August 1995 TechNet CD is more out of date than the Books
Password=ABC1234 should be UserPassword=ABC1234
CustomScPath=C:\TEMP should be CustScPath=C:\TEMP
CustScriptList={ ... } should be CustomScriptList={ ... }
The only entries missing from the sample file are the following
optional ones (which are mentioned in the [Network] section in
BooksOnline): VinesStreetName, ADSPObjectName, and DecNetObjectID.
There are three additional errors in this Books Online section that might
cause problems:
- In the Books Online section [Charset] (which should be [CharSet]),
the entry 'cp 850' should be 'cp850' (no space).
- In the Books Online section [License] the entry 'Orgname' should
be 'OrgName' (uppercase 'N').
- In the Books Online section [Network], the NetLibList entry in
the table at the bottom of the page has 'SSMSS060' for TCPIPSockets;
this should be 'SSMSSO60' (the first zero should be the letter 'O').
Also, the new character sets (CP1250, CP1251, and CP1253 to CP1257)
are not listed, nor are their corresponding SortOrders.
Additional query words:
sql6 install manual docs
Keywords : kbsetup SSrvDoc_Err SSrvInst kbbug6.00
Version : 6.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: April 16, 1999