BUG: SP_Depends Does Not List TriggersID: Q180490
The sp_depends system procedure does not list triggers that belong to the table that sp_depends is run for.
Triggers implicitly belong to the table they are created on. Because of this there are no rows created in sysdepends relating a trigger to the table it is created on. The sp_depends system procedure uses the sysdepends table for its information, so the triggers do not show up.
Add the following stored procedure to master; use it instead of sp_depends.
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_depends2')
and sysstat & 0xf = 4)
drop procedure dbo.sp_depends2
create procedure sp_depends2 --1996/03/15 12:51
@objname varchar(92) /* the object we want to check */
declare @objid int /* the id of the object we want */
declare @found_some bit /* flag for dependencies found */
declare @dbname varchar(30)
** Make sure the @objname is local to the current database.
if @objname like '%.%.%' and
substring(@objname, 1, charindex('.', @objname) - 1) <> db_name()
return (1)
** See if @objname exists.
select @objid = object_id(@objname), @dbname=db_name()
if @objid is null
return (1)
** Initialize @found_some to indicate that we haven't seen any dependencies.
select @found_some = 0
set nocount on
** Print out the particulars about the local dependencies.
if exists (select *
from sysdepends
where id = @objid)
print 'In the current database the specified object references the following:'
select 'name' = substring((s6.name + '.' + o1.name), 1, 40),
type = substring(v2.name, 1, 16),
updated = substring(u4.name, 1, 7),
selected = substring(w5.name, 1, 8)
from sysobjects o1
,master.dbo.spt_values v2
,sysdepends d3
,master.dbo.spt_values u4
,master.dbo.spt_values w5 --11667
,sysusers s6
where o1.id = d3.depid
and o1.sysstat & 0xf = v2.number and v2.type = 'O'
and u4.type = 'B' and u4.number = d3.resultobj
and w5.type = 'B' and w5.number = d3.readobj|d3.selall
and d3.id = @objid
and o1.uid = s6.uid
select @found_some = 1
** Now check for things that depend on the object.
if exists (select *
from sysdepends
where depid = @objid)
print 'In the current database the specified object is referenced by the following:'
select distinct 'name' = substring((s.name + '.' + o.name), 1, 40),
type = substring(v.name, 1, 16)
from sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, sysdepends d,
sysusers s
where o.id = d.id
and o.sysstat & 0xf = v.number and v.type = 'O'
and d.depid = @objid
and o.uid = s.uid
select @found_some = 1
/*If the object is a table check for triggers */
if (select type from sysobjects where id = @objid) = 'U'
if exists (select deltrig from sysobjects where deltrig = @objid)
print "Table has the following triggers: "
select name from sysobjects where deltrig = @objid
select @found_some = 1
/*If the object is a trigger list the table it was created on */
if (select type from sysobjects where id = @objid) = 'TR'
print 'This trigger was created on table:'
select name from sysobjects where id = (select deltrig from sysobjects
where id = @objid)
select @found_some = 1
** Did we find anything in sysdepends?
if @found_some = 0
print 'Object doesn't reference any object and no objects reference it.'
set nocount off
return (0)
GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_depends2 TO public
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Additional query words:
Keywords : SSrvStProc kbbug6.50
Version : winnt:6.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: July 14, 1999