BUG: Stored Proc Insert Into View May Cause AV or CPU SpinID: Q110987
BUG# OS/2: 1886 (4.2)
NT: 663 (4.2)
Calling a stored procedure twice in succession which does an insert into a
view may, under extremely rare conditions, cause either an access violation
or CPU spin. A number of dependencies are involved, including rtrim(),
specific data, and number and length of parameters for each stored
procedure invocation.
Create stored procedure with recompile.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version 4.2 for
OS/2 and Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2. We are researching this problem
and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it
becomes available.
Additional query words: Windows NT
Keywords : kbother SSrvStProc kbbug4.20 SSrvWinNT
Version : 4.2 | 4.2
Platform : OS/2 WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: March 18, 1999