FIX: 1108 Errors with Heavy Tempdb ActivityID: Q151988
SQL Servers with lots of tempdb activity, sorts, and deadlocks can get 1108
errors in the error log and at the client. The following error message
Error : 1108, Severity: 21, State: 1
Cannot deallocate extent 944, database 2. Object id 0, index id 0,
status 0 in extent does not match object id -49604, index id 0, status 0
in object being deallocated. Run DBCC CHECKALLOC
You can get 1108 errors in tempdb when there are sorts of small work tables and some other event occurs such as a deadlock or cancel, causing a backout. Normally, the client is already backing out for some other reason so they don't even notice the error, but it does show up in the errorlog.
Additional query words: SQL65 TEMPDB EXTENT
Keywords : kbnetwork SSrvDB_Lib SSrvErr_Log kbbug6.50 kbfix6.50.sp1
Version : 6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: March 27, 1999