ID: Q138673
A subquery that references an invalid column may cause a handled access violation (AV). The expected output would be the 207 error message, "Invalid column name <table.column>".
Make sure you are referencing valid column(s) within the subquery.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SQL Server version 6.0. This problem was corrected in Service Pack 2 for SQL Server version 6.0. For more information, contact your primary support provider.
The following query against the PUBS database results in the access violation:
select au_lname from authors,titleauthor
where au_lname + au_fname not in (select au_lname + fname from employee)
The column au_lname is not a valid column for the employee table.
Additional query words: subquery select transact-sql
Keywords : kbprg SSrvProg SSrvTran_SQL kbbug6.00 kbfix6.00.sp2
Version : 6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: May 3, 1997