FIX: Weekly Tasks Skip a Day if Interval + End Times >= 12 AMID: Q151056
When scheduling a weekly task to run more than one day a week and specifying an interval time so that the task occurs more than once per day, the task will be executed every other day in the range of days chosen if the interval time plus the time it takes to run the task plus the ending time is greater than or equal to midnight.
Change the starting time and ending time as necessary so that the ending
time plus the interval time plus the time it takes to run the task is not
equal to or greater than midnight.
If for example you have a weekly task that is scheduled to run Monday
through Friday that occurs every 30 minutes, starting at 1:30 A.M. and
ending at 11:30 P.M., the ending time (11:30 P.M.) plus the interval time
(30 minutes) plus the time it takes to run this particular task (5 seconds)
is equal to midnight. In this case, the task will run for every scheduled
interval including 11:30 P.M. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for that
week, but will skip Tuesday and Thursday. The task is rescheduled again for
the following Monday.
The days are only skipped for that week. If you have a weekly task
scheduled Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the task will run
Monday and Wednesday and will be rescheduled to run again the following
Monday to repeat the same pattern.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SQL Server
version 6.0 and 6.5. This problem has been corrected in U.S. Service Pack 2
for Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5. For more information, contact your
primary support provider.
Additional query words: sql6 Sqlexecutive
Keywords : kbusage SSrvAdmin kbbug6.50 kbbug6.00 kbfix6.50.sp2
Version : 6.0 6.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: March 26, 1999