INF: Configuring LAN Manager Peer Service for SQL Server

ID: Q71421

The information in this article applies to:

The LAN Manager version 2.0 Peer service installs with the default value for numreqbuf set to 7 in the [server] section of the LANMAN.INI file. If SQL Server is running on an OS/2 LAN Manager workstation running the Peer service, this default value is inadequate if more than one or two users are accessing SQL Server at the same time and/or it is processing a large query. Furthermore, the following error reported within the SQL Server error log does not directly reflect that the problem concerns the numreqbuf value:
Bad Token from SQL Server: Data Stream Out of Sync

In the 4.2 "Microsoft SQL Server Installation Guide", there is the same error on page 35. However, page 37 clarifies the issue by stating that numreqbuf should be set at the number of user connections * 2

Exhausting numreqbufs through SQL named pipes is, of course, not isolated to a workstation running the Peer services. A LAN Manager 2.00 server could also have numreqbufs exhausted if stressed enough by named-pipe applications such as SQL Server. However, the default for numreqbufs is set much higher for full LAN Manager servers than for Peer services.

Additional query words: LanMan

Keywords          : kbnetwork SSrvLAN SSrvServer 
Version           : 4.2
Platform          : OS/2 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: March 11, 1999