INF: Configuring ODS Servers for Alternate Pipes Under NTID: Q101737
In order to configure an Open Data Services application ( including SQL Server ) to listen on alternate named pipes, it is necessary to make certain modifications to the NT Registry for the application. Similarly, if one wishes to direct DB-Library to attempt to connect to a server using a non-default network library (net-library) or pipe name, it is necessary to make registry entries directing DB-Library to use the non-default values.
Under NT, the SRVERNAME parameter to srv_init specifies the registration
key under which ODS can find the registry value (ListenOn) with the
appropriate connection string data. This is a change in behavior from the
OS/2 release, wherein the SERVERNAME parameter specified the actual pipe
name used by the ODS application.
In order to configure your ODS applications to listen on an alternate pipe
or use a non-default net-library, you will need to add the following key to
your registry:
ListenOn:REG_MULTI_SZ: <server side netlib>,<pipe>
<servername>: REG_SZ: <client side netlib>,<pipe>
Additional query words: Transact-SQL DB-Library gateway GDK Windows NT dblib
Keywords : kbprg SSrvDB_Lib
Version : 4.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: March 17, 1999