INF: Creating a Duplicate SQL Database

ID: Q69359

The information in this article applies to:


This article describes one method for creating a duplicate SQL database.


  1. Create a database device and log using the DISK INIT command.
          disk init
          name = "<device name>"
          physname = "<full path name of .dat file>"
          vdevno = <unused device number>
          size = <size of device>
    NOTE: Issue an sp_helpdevice to find out what devices are available. For example:
          disk init
          name = "developmentdevice"
          physname = "d:\development\development.dat"
          vdevno = 8
          size = 5120

  2. Dump the desired database to the disk dump. Following the example, this would be the development database:
    dump database <database name> to <dumpdevice>
    For example:
    dump database development to diskdumpdevelopment
    NOTE: Create a dump device by issuing the following command:
    sp_addumpdevice "<disk|diskette>", "<logical name>", "<physical name>", <cntrltype>
    For example:
    sp_addumpdevice "disk", "diskdumpdevelopment", "d:\dump.dat",2

  3. Rename the desired database, again following this example. The desired database is the development database:
    sp_renamedb <currentname>, <newname>
    For example:
    sp_renamedb development, production

  4. Execute the following to re-create the original database on the new device:

    1. create database <database name> on <database device name> = <size of database>, <log device name> = <size of log>

      For example:
      create database development on developmentdevice = 5,
      developmentlog = 2

    2. sp_logdevice <database name>, <logname>

      For example:
      sp_logdevice development, developmentlog

    3. load database <database name> from <dumpdevice>

      For example:
      load database development from diskdumpdevelopment

Be sure to run the DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC CHECKALLOC diagnostics on the newly created database to ensure that it was created correctly.

Additional query words: Dumping loading repair Windows NT

Keywords          : kbusage SSrvGen SSrvWinNT 
Version           : 4.2 | 4.2 4.21 4.21a
Platform          : OS/2 WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: March 10, 1999